By Tanya Kawan
Previously, I touched on the topic of staying in the ring or getting out of it. With what’s happening in the world with the pandemic, I decided to get out of it. At first, the pandemic took me completely by surprise, and I flowed with what was being communicated by the media, with some exceptions. I really enjoyed those two weeks that we were originally promised the COVID restrictions would last. Seeing the streets so quiet, almost without cars and people, total silence early at night, feeling a great slowdown of all activity—it was a true delight for me. I realized that my being needed that abrupt stop.
After two weeks, the restrictions kept being prolonged, and I gradually came out of that enchantment. I noticed how thoughts of fear, worry, sadness, anger arose in my mind because I felt a lot of uncertainty, especially with how I would continue to generate my livelihood. Fortunately, in terms of health, my work is constant: I watch my diet, and I enjoy exercise. If I get sick, I try to see what stuck emotion lies behind the physical discomfort because there is no doubt that many ailments have their origin in emotional blockage. I have managed illnesses by healing them on both fronts, emotionally and physically, which has given me very good results.
But, returning to the topic, the emotion that I perceived the most within me was fear, and it increased when I saw the news. I also felt it in the outside environment. It was very interesting to watch my reaction to all of that. I could see myself holding my breath when I passed someone who was coughing, perceiving other people as a potential source of infection, accepting all the restrictions they imposed on us without question.
Living in fear is not what I want. Fear paralyzes me, disempowers me, drains my energy and, consequently, depresses me. My choice was to continue along that line or go inward to find the answer. I opted for what makes me feel good: exercising, continuing with a good diet, reinforcing it with some supplements, sunbathing early in the morning, and taking walks in nature to charge myself with its wonderful energy, accompanied by my friends.
I also got even more immersed in my creative process and stopped watching the news. I was more selective with the food that I gave both my mind and my body. We cannot expect a healthy body if we eat junk food and do not exercise, just as we cannot expect to have a creative and peaceful mind if we absorb junk information that negatively affects us and do not exercise our creativity.
We must assume that we are responsible for our health and well-being; no authority will do better than us if we are truly informed.
Tanya Kawan is a certified yoga teacher, life coach, and emissary of color and joy, caring for your image.