Mental Health

By Psic. Wendolyn Vázquez Marín

These days we ask ourselves; why is it important to by emotionally healthy?

The following World Health Organization reference states: “Health is nonexistent without mental health, and that mental health is essential for human development and the social and economic development of the nations. Mental health is also essential for other areas of public politics such as social assistance, rights, education and work.”

From another point of view, it is said that mental disease is an emotional type of alteration in cognitive behavior in which basic psychological processes are seen to be affected. Basic emotion, motivation, conduct, perception and language may be also affected by social and cultural surroundings.

That is why I would like to speak out about the meaning of emotions, behavior and how our surrounding environment defines who we are and how we face life.

Emotions refer to this programing that has developed throughout our lives, in which they refer to neurochemical and cognitive processes related to the architecture of the mind and that directly contribute to adaptive processes and decision making.

Behavior is closely linked to emotions since it is what governs our conduct in everyday life.

No less important is the environment in which we develop, understanding it as friendships, work, groups of belonging where we learn the guidelines of generating these adaptive processes, depending on the place where we live, the cultural and family background in which we develop that together determine these adaptive responses.

These three elements govern our mental health, that is to say to be well: we need to activate and nurture these elements with positive habits that generate well-being, that is why having clear objectives, short term goals, physical activation and cognitive development will keep us alert and away from possible internal and external conflicts. 

Being well also implies a personal effort. Continuous and constant work in oneself is the greatest investment to avoid physical illnesses. 

To begin a therapeutic process or “psychotherapy” requires awareness of what generates conflict or what we find difficult to manage and resolve and, that what we probably face consciously. So it is most recommended that Mental Health be attended by a professional in the field who can facilitate the resolution of conflicts, preventing them from worsening and thus reducing crisis situations.

Services offered: crisis intervention, panic attacks, anxiety, depression and addictions. More for more information and scheduling of appointments please call: 415 113 9961

A Healthy Body Is a Product of a Healthy Mind 

Psic. Wendolyn Vázquez Marín

Member of the Mexican Federation of Psychologists FMP