How has the isolation affected us?

By Edna de Oca

Dear Edna, I know that with your Master’s degree you specialized in studies of the Nervous System. How has the isolation we have experienced affected us humans and what effects does it have on the nervous system and our behavior? What can we do to improve it in ourselves, in the care of those close to us and around us?

I thank you for your answer. 

Hugs. Lupita P. 

Dear Lupita, 

This historical moment is impacting each and every one of the world’s inhabitants. It is the closest thing to a global emotional and fear war that our generation is experiencing. 

Several elements are playing very important roles. 

1. Social Media Network. When a pandemic happened in the past, people who lived in other parts of the world never knew that in other countries of the world people died of smallpox or bubonic plague. Many people had the opportunity to say “I am going to another country and we are safe”. On this occasion, there was no place to escape and having social networks as the only contact with the outside, connected us in a global network of collective fear and stress.

2. We have realized that we do not control our lives, that there may be external factors that are beyond our control and that trigger us into a state of continuous Stress. This has resulted in many people becoming obsessed with what they can control. Which is also a FEAR reaction. 

3. All human beings were presented with the opportunity to put on the table each and every one of the traumas or demons that we have been hiding in our lives and decide if we confront them, look for a way to solve them or continue to leave them under the table. 

4. We have realized that life is very fragile and death is something that can happen to anyone, including yourself. We are a generation that has been experiencing a transformation, we are witnessing the change from being religious to being spiritual to not having a belief. The transcendental questions that we ask ourselves at a stage of life where we are voluntarily looking for meaning in our lives, came to us suddenly and without a solid basis to dare to reconcile ourselves with the fact that we are going to die and it could happen today. 

It is very important to accept that life circumstances have changed for each and every one of us, it is important to accept that we are afraid and above all, we are afraid of dying. It is important to accept that we are experiencing a collective mourning and give ourselves the opportunity to experience all the stages of this mourning. Set a deadline to plan what our life would be like accepting our new circumstances. 

Finding ways to manage our stress with the aim of procuring a lifestyle that promotes well-being are tools to put into practice. 

Livefullness is today. Prevention is today.