Editor’s comment
June was a packed month for politics. In the USA It will be remembered for its unprecedented change and social upheaval. The constitutional right to an abortion, in effect for nearly fifty years, was overturned. For the first time in nearly thirty years, Congress passed reforms on gun ownership, while simultaneously the Supreme Court overturned gun restrictions. While in Mexico, after what happened in San Antonio, Texas, with a group of 53 dead migrants , last June reminds us once that the migratory problem continues to be a great pending issue for the Mexican and entire American continent.
Abortion ban in the USA
Experts urge the country to join the women’s rights convention. The committee of experts on women’s rights highlighted this Friday that the United States is one of only seven countries in the world that is not part of the international convention that protects the fundamental guarantees of women, including sexual and reproductive health. The UN-appointed panel specifically drew attention to Article 16 of the Convention, which «protects the rights of women to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children,» adding that unsafe abortion is the main causes of maternal mortality.

Inauguration of the Olmeca Refinery
With the inauguration of the Olmeca Refinery, in Dos Bocas, Tabasco, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) seeks to achieve fuel energy self-sufficiency, it is estimated that the plant will produce about 290 barrels of fuels each day (mainly gasoline and diesel). This project is added to the purchase of Deer Park in its commitment to fuel refining. By 2025, at least 83 new refineries will start operations worldwide, according to a report by Global Data, a London-based consultancy.

Festival Cervantino 2022
Tickets are flying! for the events of the 50th anniversary of the Festival, consult the complete program; https://festivalcervantino.gob.mx/programacion/. Incredible dance, theater, music and multidisciplinary works come from various parts of the world, the event will take place from October 12 to 30 at its well-known venue in Guanajuato and the main stage of this celebration will be the Alhóndiga de Granaditas. In this edition Mexico City and Korea are the special guests.

Clean energy
Meet the new program «𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴í𝗮 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗮» of Funds Guanajuato Financing, financing of photovoltaic energy generation projects. Register your company! Loans for small projects range from $50,000 to $1,000,000 pesos and for larger projects from $1,000,000 to 6,000,000 pesos. With terms of up to 72 months to cover 90% of your investment. For more information; https://cutt.ly/sKDdn2G

Tribute to Women in Film and Television
The GIFF announces that as part of the festival, the Women in Film and Television Association will award the Musa award to the first actress Blanca Guerra, a personality with an extensive career in films that have marked the national filmography such as Perro calle, El imperio de la Fortune, Difficult Days, Holy Blood, Beginning and End, A Spell, Danzón, In the Middle of Nowhere, Salón México or His Serene Highness. This without counting her outstanding career on television with productions such as What the sky does not forgive, On the edge of death, If God takes my life, Bridal veil, Soul of iron and Abyss of passion.