By Wendolyn Vázquez
After several years of searching, the dream finally came true, the children were able to take ownership of the place, where they learn, where they respect each other and discover new ways and healthy habits to interact with their families, with their friends, generating changes. This marked 30 years of work favoring learning through participatory methodologies promoting children’s rights.
On November 24, the Fundación para el Apoyo Infantil (FAI) had a grand opening of the Centro Comunitario Ecológico CECE (CECE Community Ecological Center). In the presence of all the friends of the foundation, the FAI Board welcomed government authorities, organizations, businessmen and the general public; we were joined in this celebration by Architect Jesús Oviedo Herrera, Secretary of Social and Human Development, as well as Lic. Mauricio Trejo Pureco, municipal president of San Miguel de Allende, the state director of INAEBA and the former municipal president, Mr. Jesús Correa Ramírez, giving very emotional words in which commitments and alliances were generated to continue working to make the rights of children a reality.
After this, the girl Ma. Fernanda Juárez Villasana greeted those present and expressed the following: «Here at FAI I have learned the importance of caring for water, as well as the separation of waste», she also said that she likes the facilities of the place and that she is currently in English and taekwondo classes, mentioning that she has enjoyed participating in the activities that take place at the Center.
The guests cut the inaugural ribbon and the CECE music group presented Ode to Joy. Afterwards, a tour of the CECE facilities took place, showing everyone present how it works and each of the spaces such as the aroma garden, the composting area, the propagation area, the pollinator garden, the vegetable garden, the tree of abundance, the dry toilets, the gray water filter, the rainwater catchment area and the different rooms where workshops are held, as well as the administrative offices, ending with a social gathering.
Finally, the organization thanked all our collaborators for making this dream possible every day and especially Mrs. Eva Helena Axelsson for the donation of this land where the children enjoy and learn.