Hanukkah: Memories and Meaning of the Jewish Holiday

By Joseph Plummer 

In honoring the season of Hanukkah, Unitarian Universalism recognizes that its beliefs draw upon the wisdom of many faiths and spiritual traditions, not least among them, Judaism. In this Sunday’s service, UUFSMA member Judith Jenya reflects on the meaning of Hanukkah as a celebration of hope, the wellspring of resistance against oppression, as commemorated from the history of the Jews struggling against overwhelming odds. 

Celebrated for eight days in families and communities around the world, Hanukkah commemorates the virtue of hope and, as in many traditions arising in the coldest months, light becomes the blazing symbol of hope in the darkest times. Fittingly, in Mexico, the celebration is called «Esperanza» and it expresses two meanings, «hope» and «waiting,» that convey the ancient holiday’s sense of anticipation. 

Judith Jenya is a member of the UU Fellowship and the Jewish community of San Miguel. Attorney, psychotherapist, educator, writer, and artist, she lives with her husband Mark Johaningsmeir in San Miguel, and is active in community work. She was International Humanist of the Year in 2002 and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work as founder-director of Global Children’s Organization and children’s programs in the war-torn Balkans and Northern Ireland. Her new memoir, “Memories Do Not Burn: Bringing Hope and Resilience to Children of War” is available at Amazon.com.

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal faith inviting its community to gather around a set of harmonizing values and principles for living. Our UU Fellowship welcomes people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Belief in a divinity is not the central issue around which we gather for worship and generous action. Rather, we come together with a belief in community, love, compassion, social justice, reverence for nature, and the spirituality of music, all within the interconnected web of existence.

UUFSMA donates generously to support nonprofit organizations that provide health, educational, and environmental services for underserved communities in the San Miguel region. Please support this work by clicking on the website home page Donate button. 

To participate in our online Sunday Service, visit www.uufsma.org and click on the Zoom Service button on the home page. If requested, enter password: 294513. Sign-in from anywhere Sunday mornings between 10:15-10:25 am CST. Enjoy previous services at https://www.youtube.com/UUFSMA.

In addition to continuing live Zoom services, UUFSMA has returned to in-person Sunday services. Reservations are no longer necessary. 

*Joseph Plummer is the UUFSMA Board Secretary

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday Service

“Hanukkah: Memories and Meaning of the Jewish Holiday”

Speaker: Judith Jenya

Sun., Dec. 18, 10:30am

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/414604040  

Password: 294513