Opera de San Miguel Announces Its 2023 Season!

By Charles Oppenheim, Artistic Director, Ópera de San Miguel AC

At Opera de San Miguel (OSM), we are proud and excited to announce our upcoming season, with several traditional concerts crowned by our main event: the 14th Concurso San Miguel.

OSM is a non-profit civil association devoted to discovering and stimulating, through grants and professional opportunities, the most talented young opera singers of Mexico.

In order to achieve that goal, each year we host several exciting fundraising events. In 2023, we begin our season with a new Baroque concert in mid-January in the beautiful setting of Santa Amalia ranch in the outskirts of nearby Comonfort, Guanajuato. Ticket-holders will be transported to enjoy an afternoon tasting of canapés, cheeses, and wines prior to this special concert, with music by Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Handel … and Gilmour (as in David Gilmour, guitarist of Pink Floyd). This concert will take place on Saturday, January 14, at 6:00pm

Two weeks later we will host the 8th edition of our traditional Mexico-Canada Concert, co-sponsored by our partner, Les Jeunes Ambassadeurs Lyriques de Montréal, and featuring mezzosoprano Caroline Gélinas, the 2022 Canadian winner of the Opera de San Miguel JAL Prize, and tenor Andrés Carrillo, a winner of Concurso San Miguel in 2014. This concert will occur Saturday, January 28, at 2:00pm

The 14th edition of Concurso San Miguel will take place, as always, in early March, when a very select group of 10 finalists will sing their best opera arias to capture the endorsement—and the votes—of our international panel of judges. The Concurso will take place Saturday, March 4, at 6:00pm, Angela Peralta Theater.

Finally, on March 25, we will host our Winners Concert, where our singers will come together to sing opera arias, duets, and ensembles, as a farewell to you and to Opera de San Miguel’s 2023 Season.

Information regarding venues, tickets, and prices will be forthcoming!

Newcomers Welcome!

Each year since 2008 we have organized Concurso San Miguel, a national competition in which all cash prizes awarded are raised privately, through generous donations from the international community of San Miguel de Allende, its residents, and sponsorships from various local businesses.

So please consider becoming a donor. Please visit our bilingual website for more information on how to become a Friend of Opera de San Miguel, a Fan Club Member, or especially an Angel, at: www.operadesanmiguel.org.

More than 50 Mexican opera singers, winners of Concurso San Miguel—who are embarking on careers in various theaters throughout Mexico and the world— are a living testimony to our mission. To keep track of their whereabouts and engagements, check out our Opera de San Miguel group page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/operasanmiguel, and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/operadesanmiguel/.

Charles Oppenheim can be reached at choppenheim@operadesanmiguel.org.