From San Miguel de Allende to Yucatan

By Paola Velasco

The recent direct flight from the Guanajuato International Airport, in the Bajío, to the city of Merida is a great option for those of us who live in San Miguel, as distances are shortened, and we can travel more easily to the unforgettable Yucatan Peninsula.

The peninsula is known and appreciated for its Mayan past, for its landscapes, for the archaeological sites, the beaches, ecological reserves, museums, cenotes, haciendas, crafts, restaurants … There are so many attractions, unique experiences for all ages, so it is perfect for family trips, as a couple, or with friends.

For many years, the state of Yucatan has been beefing up its cultural and tourist activities. The Great Museum of the Mayan World of Merida opened its doors 10 years ago, on November 2, 2012. The museum exhibits a magnificent collection of more than 1,160 pieces that allow us to enjoy textiles, religious pieces, ancient relics, and diverse objects that reflect the daily life and history of the Mayans.

Yucatan offers a unique environmental diversity in Mexico—the impact of a meteor 66 million years ago radically determined its geography. The state is characterized by a plain that hides cenotes (underground caves with fresh water) due to the great impact. There are also ecological reserves such as Celestún, where there are walks through the mangroves to visit the areas where the flamingos live.There are also haciendas henequeneras (henequin haciendas) that have been converted into hotels and offer restful experiences and archeological tourism that are well worth it. Just one hour from the capital you can visit the Uxmal Archaeological Zone, a Mayan city from the classical period. It is one of the most important Mayan sites, like Chichen Itza and Tikal. The gastronomy is unmissable; you cannot miss the great variety of flavors and interesting dishes that it offers—the cochinita pibil, the suckling pig, the lime soup, brazo de reina (Swiss roll), and the queso relleno (a cheese filled with minced meat) are just some of the things that I am sure you will like.