Autor: admin

The Room, Mezcal Bar
By Fernanda Noriega Although San Miguel remains a relatively small city, it offers many wonders. There is practically nothing you cannot find here, and the big plus is that the …
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Visit a Museum with more than a thousand words
By Fernanda Noriega Once you get to know San Miguel, you know something very important—we are a World Heritage city! That means that every building, every huge tree, every worn …
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Upavistha Konasana
By Tanya Kawan Begin by slowly spreading your legs at a 90-degree angle, or as far as your legs can reach their maximum capacity. Try to keep your feet flexed …
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Those Black Areas on the Screen
By Charles Miller This week I was asked a question to which I had tried and failed to provide a satisfactory answer 50 years ago. The first occasion was when …
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100 Women Who Care: Miracle Fundraising for Nonprofits
By Elizabeth Adlung Over the past nine years since its founding, 100 Women Who Care has raised almost 3,000,000 pesos, reports Susan Page, Steering Committee Member. The funds were contributed …
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Good and Healthy Living in San Miguel
By Kathleen Bohné Lowenstein How do you define health? Health is one of those words we all use a lot and think about little. Perhaps you would answer with the …
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Kick Omicron Away
By Carmen Rioja Like a soccer ball, Omicron and other COVID-19 variants can be kicked away from our community. Omicron is not different from the first variants, although it is …
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We will miss them in 2022
By Carola Rico Last year was complicated and with enormous human losses, among them people who marked the history of San Miguel de Allende in some way and were well-known …
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Guanajuato Recognizes the Right to Equal Marriage requirements for LGTB+ Community
By Fernanda Noriega The Secretary of the Government of Guanajuato has instructed the General Offices of the State Civil Registry to allow Egalitarian Marriage [requirements] for all. Guanajuato, was one …
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