Artes de México

By Jose Alfredo Gutierrez Falcon

Artes de México turns 75. On this anniversary, a third generation will take charge of the charming enterprise on the Calzada de la Aurora, which showcases Mexico’s beautiful handicrafts. Over the years, this microenterprise has been a family affair, whose members work in the artisan business until they retire.

Don Cecilio Hernández was the founder of this successful establishment. He was a model Mexican entrepreneur who openly supported President Francisco I. Madero. When the then president of the republic was assassinated, Don Cecilio decided to emigrate to the United States to protect his life and that of his family. In the neighboring country to the north, he developed two successful restaurants, as well as a thriving furniture sales business.

When the Great Depression of 1929 arose, the businessman decided to return to Mexico. Upon visiting San Miguel de Allende, he decided to start a store in this World Heritage City. Artes de México was born with the sale of handmade products and, shortly after, Don Cecilio’s entrepreneurial vision led him to turn his business into a successful artisan workshop. Today, in this place full of magic, we can find wonderful metal crafts.

This business is an example of the benefits of national craft production. At a time when we have become accustomed to consuming products generated on a large scale in any part of the world, this type of business reveals that you can live very well creating handicrafts. This should be understood by the new generations, so that these beautiful traditions continue to thrive.