The Importance of Mammography

By Rodrigo Diaz

According to the Mexican Social Security Institute, breast cancer ranks fifth among the leading causes of death in women worldwide. In Mexico, it was the most frequent disease during 2020 (15.3%) and the leading cause of death in women with an estimated 29,929 new cases and 7,931 deaths —with an incidence rate of 40.5 and mortality of 10.6 per 100,000.

Because of this, I recently spoke with the radiologist technician Jorge Trejo to talk about mammography—one of the services provided by the Specialized Center for Comprehensive Imaging (CEII for its acronyms in Spanish) within the facilities of the Joya San Miguel Hospital. Mammography, he tells us, is one of the most effective methods for early detection and prevention of breast cancer.

Surrounding this medical practice, there are many myths derived from a lack of information of which the most common, as expressed by patients, is the belief that mammography causes thyroid cancer. There are even those who ask that a collar be placed on them to reduce the risk of contracting it which is totally unnecessary, since there is no risk that this procedure causes cancer. Another belief is that of suffering an injury to the breast due to the equipment pressure that is required. This is only viable with improper handling of the equipment the technician tells us.

According to the National Institute of Oncology, it is recommended that all women aged 40 and older have a screening mammogram every year and should continue to have this exam as long as they are in good health. Cancer detected early has a great chance of successful treatment and cure. The study is usually complemented with a breast ultrasound being recommended in women under 40 years of age, although, if your doctor requires a mammogram, the study is also carried out with the necessary care.

CEII has high-end digital equipment which means that less radiation is exposed in less time achieving high-quality images to identify minimal lesions. In addition, it has highly qualified personnel thus making the studies most effective.

Fortunately, in San Miguel we have clinics, hospitals, and imaging centers where studies such as mammography and breast ultrasound can be carried out. All that remains is to do our part as citizens, demystify through information, and do the same in pursuit of our health and, by example, that of the community.