By Megan Gabel
November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Let’s expand the U.S. tradition into Mexico! Please consider opening your heart to a senior pet. It is a win-win situation! The dog benefits and you benefit. For what more could you ask?
Adopting older dogs has many advantages. Older dogs are calmer than younger dogs and need less exercise. Their personalities are developed, and they’re fully grown so there are fewer surprises. They are eager to learn new tricks and are less demanding of your attention. They are particularly appropriate choices for an older person to adopt who would love to experience the joy of pet ownership, but probably doesn’t have the energy level for a younger animal. Older adopted pets seem to understand what you have done for them by taking them into your family and they return your kindness with unconditional love and devotion.
Senior animals are also good for your health and well-being! Companion animals can help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. They provide unconditional love and friendship which, in turn, reduce depression and the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Take your dog for daily walks and meet your neighbors. Social interactions and activities increase when you’re holding a dog’s leash.
There is no standard definition of “senior,” but the consensus is that a dog older than 7 -depending upon size- falls within this category. Among the senior dogs at the Society of Protection of Animals (S.P.A.), you can meet Dulce (11), Rita (11), Tessie (9), Apollo (7), Miny (9), Shy (13 and 1/2), Susie (13 and 1/2), Sonny (9), and Lola (9). Learn about them here and click on the photo of the dog of interest. That will take you to another page with the dog’s bio and a video.
These dogs have spent almost their entire lives at the S.P.A. We have not given up on them. Each dog could be a great family pet. We hope they will be given the opportunity to become part of your loving families. Please email if you have any questions.
Reminder: The S.P.A.’s Annual Meeting -members only- is set for Tuesday, November 29, 2022. It will start at 3pm at Prolongación de Pila Seca 18 (this is the first session, we may schedule more). Those fully-vaccinated, masked, and socially distanced members who wish to attend in person must RSVP to no later than Tuesday, November 22, 5pm (corrected date). Only those with confirmed reservations may attend. Thank you for your support!