By Harry Burrus
Think about the special pet you had or have, sometimes referred to as one’s lifetime dog or cat and consider how that pet enriched your life and expanded the compassion in your heart. Remember how your pet was always there for you, full of trust and love, never let you down, and how you learned from it. Think how it enhanced your appreciation of the small, simple moments of everyday life and how in many ways that cat or dog made you a better person. That pet provided things you can’t see or touch, yet you feel it, breathe it, and it becomes part of you organically.
Honor your pet. Stéphane Mallarmé, a French symbolist poet of the latter part of the 19th century, had a phrase: “Peindre, non la chose, mais l’effet qu’elle produit” (paint not the thing, but the effect it produces). You can generate the effect. You can make that experience happen. That timeless, priceless gift. Part of the creative continuum.
Honor your pet by helping the S.P.A. give others the chance to experience those magical moments that you were so fortunate to have etched in perpetual paw prints on your heart. You can make it possible for us to do just that by contributing to the S.P.A.’s Pet Food Money Bank annual fundraiser. ( All money raised will be applied to the annual cost of feeding our resident animals and those in foster care (about 100 cats and dogs), as they wait to become a part of loving families. We still have a considerable amount needed to meet our goal of 250,000 pesos or $13,500 USD.
Adopting a cat or dog gives us space to save and feed more homeless, abandoned, and stray animals. We have a bounty of wonderful beauties such as Crystal, Scout, Eva, and Robin, waiting to open your hearts and enhance your lives. Take a look at our website to see which one you or a friend might be interested in adopting:
When you click on the photo of each animal, it will take you to a larger photo (video for dogs) along with a bio. Adoption hours are Monday-Saturday, 11-2, Los Pinos 7, 415-152-6124 (masks required).
Volunteers are always welcome. If you have spare time and wish to contribute a few hours a week, please contact us.
Honor those who’ve made you feel so much without saying a word.