Interest in 2022 Jóvenes Adelante Entry Already Pouring In

By Don Krim 

It is year-end 2021, but for the next class of Jóvenes Adelante (JA) applicants, 2022 has already begun! On December 3, JA launched an online orientation to our application process. Although the convocatoria does not open until January 17, 2022, over 200 prospective applicants have viewed the orientation on Jóvenes Adelante’s Facebook page: @JovenesAdelanteAC. Do you know a student who might be eligible and has the personal qualities to succeed? Please send them to our website or our Facebook page. Application information and requirements, as well as documents and instructions, are already live on our website,

In 2021 we began the process of filtering applications with 550 in hand! After months of vetting, evaluation, interviews, and ranking, thirty-four students were eventually chosen. For 2022 we expect to take around 35 students. 

This December, as the year comes to a close, many of us undertake year-end tax and financial planning and adjustments, as well as year-end giving. Each of our 35 eventual new students will need a financial supporter—a sponsor. If you are considering a sponsorship and need to take a tax deduction in 2021, please let us know. Otherwise—and more important—please consider making a five-year commitment to a student from San Miguel to attend university. A university degree offers high reward in the workplace and fulfills the dreams of an entire family. Our students will be, again this year, largely first-generation university students. Five years of investment by the student, their families, and our sponsors and mentors and JA team brings a reward of decades of professional and financial opportunity that is simply not achievable for most students. In Mexico, and more specifically in Guanajuato, only 26 percent of university entrant’s graduate. At Jóvenes Adelante, our students graduate from universities all over Mexico at a rate of 85 percent because we offer the most comprehensive scholarship and support system in all of Mexico. Information on our 2022 premium sponsorship as well as payment options and tax benefits, can be found on our website, For information or to sign up for a sponsorship, please contact