Kids First Medical Day

By Rodrigo Diaz

During the last week of last month, from May 21 to 25, the 19th edition of the Kids First medical conference was held. This is to promote health services for the general population which is organized every year by the municipal DIF. On this occasion they had the collaboration and support of the Joya San Miguel de Allende Hospital. It had the participation of 36 doctors plus nurses and anesthetists from different cities in the United States. Specialists in pediatric procedures provided care, evaluation, and consultation to the patients. There were 268 children from Comonfort, Dolores Hidalgo, Celaya, and our municipality who went to the hospital facilities starting on Sunday morning. They waited for their turn for a consultation and during that time were offered lunch and entertainment by groups of volunteers.

From all the evaluations 38 trauma and orthopedic surgeries resulted—all completely free to the patients. In addition, the prostheses, screws, and plates were received by donation. The procedures were scheduled and performed from Monday, May 22 to Thursday, May 25. On the last day, in the afternoon, cocktails were offered to the doctors for their time and expertise in treating the children of our municipality and of neighboring municipalities. The specialists plan to return to San Miguel de Allende in July to follow up on the children that have been operated on and to make sure that the recovery and progress is good.

Many thanks to the efforts of both the municipal DIF and Hospital Joya to improve the quality of life of the infants and children who took advantage of this medical day. This has become a tradition in our city and is a clear sign of brotherhood between the health specialists of the United States and our country.