By Megan Gabel
Maggie and Sofia are among the smaller dogs at the S.P.A. They are both shy when meeting new people, although Maggie warms up faster than Sofia. It takes a little more effort to gain Sofia’s trust. Both about 2-1/2 years old, they are leery of cars and motorcycles and approach their walks outside the S.P.A. with caution. It really sets their minds at ease if walked with another dog. Neither is demanding of attention or time. Both have the capacity to be affectionate and loyal. We’ve seen that transformation as our volunteers relate to them. Reluctance becomes willingness.
Maggie rolls on her back, feet in the air, when you try to put a harness on her for a walk. She gives little kisses at the same time. Limp as a noddle, she can be slid across the floor and rolled back over, her little body twisted so you can reach the snap for the harness.
Sofia often hides in the back of her casita as you wait to put a harness on her. She ventures out slowly, crouches flat on the floor, and lets you prepare her for a walk. No resistance anymore.
So what kind of home would be best for them? They would need families willing to give them a period of adjustment, not only to the adopters, but also to being in a new home. Sofia might hide. Maggie might bark. They both might resist going for a walk. All of that can be overcome with time and patience.
They probably would do best with another dog in the house. Adopting them together would work just great!
Meet them and all our cats and dogs at the S.P.A. any day, Monday-Saturday, during adoption hours, 11am-2pm. Our address is Los Pinos 7; phone number 415 152 6124. There is a map showing our location on the home page of our website:
How do you adopt? “Adoption Basics” for dogs: “Adoption Basics” for cats: Our website automatically translates to Spanish by clicking the button at the top right corner and choosing “Español.” Announcement: The S.P.A.’s Annual Meeting, members only, is set for Tuesday, November 29, 2022. It will start at 3pm for the first session, but there may be more, at Prol. Pila Seca 18. Those fully vaccinated, masked, and socially distanced members who wish to attend in person must RSVP to no later than Thursday, November 24, at 5pm. Only those with confirmed reservations may attend. Thank you for your support!