New Year’s Dreams and Resolutions

By Jayn Corral

Did you know that the cats at the S.P.A. have been very good this year to ensure that their names are on the “nice list” and so that their dreams of a new home come true? A new year is upon us as many of us ponder, implement, or quickly abandon our resolutions. Even as the calendar turns the page from the Christmas season to introduce a new year, our cats have not forgotten nor given up on their dreams. They are a patient bunch and always hopeful for a future with a perfect loving family. If you have considered adopting a shelter cat, now is the time to make adopting a shelter cat your New Year’s resolution. While our cats are the lucky ones who receive shelter, food, love, and medical care with us at the S.P.A., communal living in a shelter can be challenging for their wellbeing.  

Let me share some of our cats with you.

Eva has a complex, expressive personality, making her a joy to spend time with. Originally defiant, she is now our “Eva the Diva” who expects her food to be served to her at her lounging spot and loves to be carried around on our shoulders. Once she claims her spot on a human lap, the other cats know it will be awhile before it is their turn. This gorgeous calico is almost three years old and would make the perfect pet for someone wanting to dote on her and have her return the love. 

Ginger used to be offish with people, but she has really come around so that now she loves to play, be petted, and especially loves her treats. Ginger is also a beautiful calico, now about two years old, and has spent her entire life at the S.P.A. She would love to have her own home where she knows she is loved and safe. She would do well as a single pet or with another cat for company.

Oreo is Ginger’s brother. He is a white and tabby big boy, now about two years old. He was “the perfect” cat according to all the volunteers and was highly recommended for adoption. But when he was adopted, it just wasn’t the right fit, so he is back at the S.P.A. He is not as happy as he was earlier, and I am sure he will again be “the perfect” cat when he finds the home of his dreams.

Robin came to the S.P.A. over two years ago with her brother, Batman, when they were three years old, having been surrendered when their owner passed away suddenly from Covid-19. Batman was soon adopted leaving Robin alone and worried about her future. She was leery of people but gradually learned to trust and even love people. Now Robin is a happy cat and would spend many hours on a volunteers lap if only she didn’t have to share with other cats. She is a wonderful, soulfully colored black and white tuxedo with a distinctive crooked tail from an earlier untreated injury. She would be so grateful to have her dream of living with a loving family and another cat to comfort her come true.

Make it your New Year’s resolution to adopt any one of the wonderful, deserving cats that desperately need and deserve loving, caring homes. Please make their dreams come true in this New Year. Each adoption creates more space for other deserving cats.

Check out our website to see all our cats and dogs. 

Our cats are here: 

Our dogs are here: 

While you’re on our website, please click the “Donate” button at the top of any page to take advantage of the matching donation offer that expires soon.

Anonymous donors will match all new donations to the S.P.A. through December 31, 2022 up to a total of $2,500 USD!! All funds received will be used for the care and support of our cats and dogs. For more information, please see or write

Please donate today before the matching offer ends!