Old Friends

By Debbie Campbell


For the past five winters, my husband and I gladly leave gray and dreary Seattle to spend a few months in the sunshine and warmth of San Miguel de Allende. Over that time, we’ve made many friends here. Most of them are older and definitely have their quirks. Some are certainly more social than others and can’t get enough attention! But we love them all. The friends I am talking about are not the ones we play pickleball or Rummikub with or the ones we meet for coffee or Happy Hour. I am talking about the delightful adult cats at the S.P.A.

Of course, when we first arrive each year, we must get reacquainted. There is a bit of wariness as I try to rejoin their tight social circle. Having said that, they are always willing to eat the food I prepare and never turn down treats. 

The Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende is a no-kill shelter whose goal is to find permanent loving homes for all of its cats (and dogs). Some of these fine adult felines have spent a large part of their lives in the comfort of the S.P.A. cattery. The adult felines live together in what we call “Adult World.” It’s made up of three intersecting rooms filled with cubbyholes, soft beds, scratching posts, toys, and even a tree to climb to the prime sunning spots. Every morning a dedicated S.P.A. staff member drops in to change blankets as needed, empty the litter boxes, ensure the water and dry food bowls are full, and thoroughly clean the space.  

Later in the day, a volunteer, like me, gives them two to three hours of attention, and a much-anticipated treat of canned food to supplement their regular daily diet. Then, there is an additional treat time to look forward to when I leave for the day. Crunchy kibble is scattered on the floor and the scavenger hunt gets underway! 

The adult cats are great company. They each want their share of lap time and brushing and channel their «inner kitten» to play with a wand toy or catnip mouse. But most of the time, they are stretched out in the sun or interacting with each other. Some long-term residents like Martin and Taiwan have found their soulmate, and they cuddle up together. Others like Eva, Oreo, Suerte, and Vanderbilt roam the room and head bump their pals or take up a vantage point where they can watch the dogs come and go for their daily walks.

After my first visit, my old friends came around, and now we enjoy spending lazy afternoons together. Of course, it helped that I brought a few catnip toys and a bag of treats! There are also sun-filled rooms where frisky kittens live. I spend time with them too, often meeting them for the first time in that they are new to the S.P.A. since my last visit. 

If you are considering adding a cat to your family, choosing an adult cat who has matured into an affectionate, go-with-the-flow grown-up could be a perfect choice. Meet them and all of our cats and dogs at the S.P.A. Monday-Saturday, 11-2, at Los Pinos 7, phone number 415 152 6124 (masks required). Our available cats are here: https://www.spasanmiguel.org/adopt-me-cats/

Our available dogs are here: https://www.spasanmiguel.org/adopt-me-dogs/ 

The S.P.A.’s dental cleaning special has been extended through March 31. Our normal price of 700-1000 pesos for teeth cleaning (cats and dogs) is reduced by 20% and includes anesthetic and professional cleaning with ultrasonic scaler/polisher. This is an immensely popular special so please call today for an appointment!