Permaculture for Climate Change Resilience in San Miguel

By Joseph Plummer 

UUFSMA Board Secretary

Communal action represents a vital response to climate change, and one impressive model of such work in San Miguel de Allende is the topic for this weekend’s UUFSMA Sunday Service. Guest speakers Ben-Zion Ptashnik and Victoria Collier will present the story of the Tikkun Eco Center, a local permaculture project and community farm. 

Tikkun Eco Center promotes replicable solutions to climate change and ecological crises on three hectares dedicated to permaculture with organic gardens and orchards, reforestation, solar and wind energy, adobe construction, fish and chicken farming, composting, and water harvesting systems. 

The center’s strategy experienced a major validation in 2020 and 2021 when Tikkun pressed two hectares of gardens into service to supply its COVID pandemic food bank and provided supplemental food to some 60 needy families of mostly elderly people and single mothers. With the subsiding of that crisis, the center now focuses on expansion of rainwater harvesting systems to serve local villages, most of which already ration water while many have scarcely enough for cooking and drinking, and none for livestock and gardens. Already showing impressive results, Tikkun’s water harvesting systems collected over a million liters during the 2021 monsoons.

Demonstrating the many dimensions of sustainable practices, in May 2022, Tikkun restored a community reservoir that once served four villages, but no longer held water. With a replenishable water source, the project removed more than a thousand truckloads of rich soil from the reservoir basin and spread it on the fields of local farmers. Remaining soil will land on barren grounds for reforestation and a community park beside the reservoir.  

Guided by Ptashnik and Collier, Tikkun is emerging as an inspiration for the people of San Miguel to become more resilient in meeting a future of ecological challenges. 

An entrepreneur, human rights activist, philanthropist, and environmental leader, Ben-Zion Ptashnik retired as a state senator from Vermont in 2001 to pioneer solar and wind energy and mitigate the climate crisis in Mexico.

A writer, artist and grower, in the early 2000s, Victoria Collier co-founded and directed Tierra Lucero, a non-profit organization located on a permaculture demonstration site designed by Bill Mollison in Taos, New Mexico. She oversees the development of farm and community outreach programs at Tikkun Eco Center. 

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*Joseph Plummer is the UUFSMA Board Secretary

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday Service

“Permaculture for Climate Change Resilience in San Miguel”

Speakers: Ben-Zion Ptashnik, Victoria Collier

Sun, Jul 3, 10:30am

Zoom link:  

Password: 294513