By Harry Burrus
Throughout history, there have been pairs known for unique aspects of their relationship. Twosomes like Lady and Tramp, Lucy and Desi, and Jack and Jill. The SPA’s Angel and John also have a special relationship.
Angel, a little over two years old, is a small to medium-sized girl with de Kooning black and white abstract body markings, a blended tan, black, and white face, and alert, dark eyes. She likes her casita residence at the SPA and, while stretching out and relaxing, observes what unfolds before her. She’s comfortable meeting new people and, although keen for a stroll, patiently waits for her leash to be attached. Once on the street, she moves at a good clip until an alluring smell momentarily sidetracks her and she pauses to investigate.
John, also a touch over two years old, is medium-sized, with a caramel, amber-colored coat and penetrating gold eyes—a good-looking lad. At first blush, John is wary of new people. He’s nervous and cautious. You have to earn his trust. After you sit with him a few times, he reveals a surprisingly friendly demeanor. However, while all that is good, John is afraid of the street. Loud noises, fireworks, and cars rushing past, deter him from going for a walk. Mr. Reluctance. He may walk up to the street door, even poke his head out, but that’s it.
Fortunately for John, Angel, who is in the casita next to him, is fond of John and John feels comfortable with Angel. As is often the case, a female steps in to assist the male. I hook up Angel and Christina puts a harness on John. We make it out the door and engage the street. At first, John follows Angel, staying close to the wall as cars whizz past. Further on, they walk side by side, occasionally stopping to investigate a few smells. Sometimes, Angel licks John on the nose and picks up the pace. Encouraged, he follows. John might be best in a home with another dog, but under Angel’s tutelage, he is gaining confidence.
Meet John and Angel at the SPA, Los Pinos 7, 415 152 6124. Enjoy their videos at this page of our website: Click on each photo to go to the next page where you will be able to see a video of each dog. Adoption hours are Monday-Saturday, 11am-2pm. While you’re on our website, please click the donate button on any page and help us provide food for all of our animals by contributing to our Pet Food Money Bank, our only major fundraiser of the year. All money raised will be applied to the annual cost of food for our resident and foster cats and dogs which averages a total of 100 animals. For more details, please see or write We still have a long way to go to meet our goal of 250,000 pesos, or about US$13,500. Thank you for your support!