By Megan Gabel
Matching donation offer continues through December! Anonymous donors will match all new donations to the SPA through December 31 up to a total of US$2,500! Donate (via PayPal) online at (“Donate” button, top of each page) or on our Facebook page (“Shop on Website” button, just below the banner). You may also donate by Mexican or U.S. check written to “Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende, A.C.” (full name required) or by U.S. check to “San Miguel Community Foundation” For a U.S. tax receipt, mark for SPA. Checks may be dropped off at the SPA, Los Pinos 7, 415 152 6124, or at any La Conexion location—mark envelope “SPA, PMB 18.” Please email with questions.
All funds received will benefit our cats and dogs, including our long-term residents such as Susie, at the SPA for 11-1/2 years; Rita, at the SPA for 11-1/2 years; Shy, at the SPA for 12 years; Martin, at the SPA for 13 years; and Vanderbilt, at the SPA for 5 years. The SPA is their home. Not only do we give them food, care, and shelter, but we also shower them with love and kindness. As the oldest no-kill shelter for cats and dogs in San Miguel, the Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. strives to find permanent, loving homes for all our residents, no matter how long it takes. Without donations from our supporters, the SPA, a non-profit organization, could not exist.
Thank you for helping us continue our mission to provide a sanctuary for cats and dogs of San Miguel in need.