Touring Finca Luna Serena

By María Ruiz

A few kilometers from the center of San Miguel de Allende, towards the community of Los Rodríguez, there is a beautiful farm that produces olive oil. The owners of the finca, Victor and Susan, have been serving the community for more than 20 years, and they open their doors to anyone who wants to get to know it and have a unique experience in the city.

Every month, the farm organizes a series of events related to gastronomy. During April, attendees were able to enjoy different cooking classes to learn how to make tortillas and tamales, as well as Thai, Hungarian, and Moroccan cuisine. I was fortunate to attend an Italian food festival, where I enjoyed a great buffet with a delicious dessert made from olive oil!

My visit to the farm began with a rich spinach frittata accompanied by a cup of coffee. Later, I did a tasting of olive oils. There were four varieties: arbequina, criolla, special reserve, and oil flower. Their specialties are infusions, the base of which is the arbequina oil that gets infused with scented herbs. My favorite was the one with basil and manzano pepper. After the tasting, there was a presentation on the history of the farm, the types of oils produced, and the benefits of the olive fruit for the body. I learned how to recognize a good oil in the market. After the talk, I was able to tour the plantation of more than a thousand olive trees. Finally, it was time for the buffet and the smell of charcoal attracted me the moment I approached the outdoor dining room. My favorite dish was the mushroom risotto.

It was a very pleasant afternoon filled with conversation and shared laughter with new people.

This month, on May 20, there will be an unprecedented gastronomic event as the menu is inspired by the cookbook written by Salvador Dalí, “Les Diners de Gala.” The event will have the participation of local artists who will exhibit their works. A percentage of sales will go to the San Miguel School for the Deaf. To learn more about the event, send an email to