100 Women Who Care: Miracle Fundraising for Nonprofits

By Elizabeth Adlung 

Over the past nine years since its founding, 100 Women Who Care has raised almost 3,000,000 pesos, reports Susan Page, Steering Committee Member. The funds were contributed to 42 of San Miguel de Allende’s many non-governmental organizations that provide services to impoverished communities around San Miguel.

Page will explain how 100 Women Who Care was founded, how money is raised, what meetings are like, and exactly how the group has helped some of the NGOs, including some heartwarming stories.

Page explains, “Our mission is to reach out and help our community with 100+ to each contribute 1,000 pesos four times a year, that’s a goal of 400,000 pesos annually, to local charities. All charities and organizations up for consideration must be in the San Miguel area. The idea is to keep it local and have an impact that we can see in our community. If 1,000 pesos is too steep for you each time, bring a friend or friends and join as a team.”

As she further explains, the group is perfect for those who want 100 percent of donations to go directly to a local charity; who don’t have time for a consistent volunteer commitment; who want to be part of a powerful group that has an immediate positive impact.

Page is a founding member of 100 Women Who Care in San Miguel. She is also the co-founder and Executive Director of the San Miguel Literary Sala and the San Miguel Writers’ Conference. She has lived in San Miguel for 19 years. She and her husband, Mayer Shacter, own the folk art and antiques gallery, Galeria Atotonilco, with showrooms five miles north of town in the country and in the Fabrica Aurora.

URLs for Page:





Join on Tuesday, January 11 at 9:30am to welcome Page and to learn more about 100 Women Who Care. To attend, go to the Midday Rotary Club website at www.rotarysmamidday.org and sign up. You’ll receive an email with instructions on being a part of this week’s meeting. Meetings at Hotel Real de las Minas follow strict Covid protocols. 

Rotary is where neighbors, friends and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change. For more information, contact President Skip Essick at skipessickmedia@gmail.com

Rotary Presentation

“100 Women Who Care: Miracle Fundraising for Nonprofits”

Tue, Jan 11, 9:30am

Zoom or Hotel Real de las Minas

Ancha de San Antonio 1, Centro



