June 5 Elections: The Post-Game Show

By Kathleen Bohné

Mexico now has 9 female governors, the most in its history

  • Voter turnout was highest in Tamaulipas (53% of eligible voters) and lowest in Oaxaca (38% of eligible voters)
  • MORENA, the ruling party, now governs 58% of the population of Mexico at a state level. Before 2018, MORENA governed in zero states.

A few snippets from political pundits this week:

“It’s difficult to exaggerate the magnitude of the earthquake that has shaken our party system in just the last four or five years…” 

—Carlos Bravo Regidor 

“This is a worrying phenomenon, of ‘priismo’ mutating into ‘morenismo’…it is not a good omen for democratic life in the country. The opposition alliance [PAN-PRI-PRD], instead of ‘having a shot’ in 2024 will shoot itself in the foot if there is not a mea culpa for what the PAN and PRI have done in the past.” 

—Denise Dresser 

“We have attended many funerals for the PRI over the years…but they still poll at 17% of voter intention nationally.”

—Leo Zuckermann

“MORENA is a party of the masses, less institutionalized than the PRI. MORENA is more fluid, akin to a social movement, and that is a fundamental difference. It has also depended on a charismatic figure (AMLO).”

—Mario Arriagada

“Yes, the PVEM (Partido Verde Ecologista de México) has had success—fentanyl has also had success—but I think there is not a more harmful party in Mexico.”

—Paula Sofía Vázquez

*Excerpts from the June 12 edition of “La Semana” newsletter. To read the full articles and subscribe, please visit www.themexpatriate.com.