By Israel Molina
The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) revealed a favorable earnings forecast of US$112 billion for 2023. This represents a growth of 4.7%, but different variables need to be applied throughout the year, which will adjust the real figures. Julio Galván, manager of economic studies at the INA, stated that in February, there was a profit of US$9.3 billion, representing a 17.42% increase as compared to 2019; and 13.73% compared to 2022.
In the first two months of 2023, as far as the production of auto parts in North America, the United States had a growth of 16.66%; Mexico, 13.73%; and Canada, 25.98%. In the United States, that production value represented was estimated at about US$298 billion. For Mexico, the figure was US$113 billion; and Canada, US$135 billion. This gives a 16.6% growth for the North American block during the first month.
Mexico has been historically the main supplier of the United States. This is reflected in that in 2007 Mexico had a participation of 29.82%. By the end of 2022, Mexico closed with a participation of 39.28 percent. During the period of January to February 2023 that figure went up to 42.1%, making Mexico the main supplier of auto parts in the United States.
Did you know that Mexico ranks ninth in the installation of industrial robots?

Mexico ranks nine out of the 15 countries with the most installations of industrial robots per year, according to the World Robotics 2022 report from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). The IFR data shows that Mexico registered 5,400 units of robots in the industry installed in 2021. That translates to a 61% growth in one year. China leads the ranking with 268,200 new installations of industrial robots, an increase of 51%. This is followed by Japan, with 47,200 installations and a growth of 22%; and in third place, the United States, with 35,000 units and an increase of 14%. Globally, the World Robotics report shows an all-time high of 517,385 new industrial robots installed in factories around the world in 2021.
As far as the annual installation of robots by market, the report revealed that the electrical-electronic sector surpassed the automotive industry. This is followed by metallurgy-machinery, and plastic and chemical products. Source: Mexico Industry