Where Is Technology Going in the Construction and Real Estate Industry?

By Elenne Castro

2022 was a challenging year for the construction and real estate industry, which is still trying to return to pre-pandemic levels. To achieve this, the main players are turning more frequently to technology, now that digitization is no longer an aspiration but a reality and, in many cases, a necessity.

There are various solutions on the market that aim to contribute to the recovery of construction and real estate companies. In this regard, Robinson Fuentes, CEO of Calidad Cloud, a proptech specialized in quality and productivity management to control construction and post-sale processes in construction, civil, and real estate works, assured that the last couple of years have made evident the need to digitize the sector to reduce costs, improve processes, and optimize times, to mention just some of the benefits.

“Technological innovations are the great ally that the industry requires to continue advancing in a climate as complex as the one we are currently facing,” said Fuentes.

With the experience and lessons learned this year, the specialist said that there remain three important considerations that developers of technological solutions should take into account during 2023 to continue building the path to recovery:

  • Integrations: The needs of companies in the construction and real estate industry are diverse and complex, and although there are currently multiple tools that can help respond to most of them, it still needs multiple software and licenses. As each of these can have different formats, it can generate confusion and increase costs. By 2023, technology developers must be able to work with other companies in the industry to offer customers integrated solutions to all their problems.
  • Cost reduction: In the current economy, companies require innovations that help them minimize the impact on their budgets, and for this, the use of data will be the perfect ally. Being able to prevent or detect errors in time thanks to the data will help reduce the economic losses they represent.
  • Democratize technology: Although there is an increasing adoption of technology in the industry, there are still myths and fears about its complexity. The following year will be a new opportunity to continue working on making technology accessible and thus professionalize all parties involved in a project. In this way, not only will collaborators be empowered, but communication between areas will be improved, from the field to the central office, to optimize resources and reduce errors.

*This excerpt is published by authorization of Mexico Industry, to keep reading please visit the link: https://mexicoindustry.com/noticia/hacia-donde-va-la-tecnologia-en-la-industria-de-construccion-e-inmobiliaria