Pickleball Grows in Popularity

By Paola Velasco

A growing number of people meet at the Sports Unit (Deportiva) several times a week to play pickleball. This relatively new sport combines elements of badminton, tennis, and ping-pong. From two to four players can participate in each game. Players use solid wooden rackets with perforated round holes. The first pickleball competitive event took place in Washington in 1965. Estimates indicate that approximately 150,000 individuals in the United States play this sport, which has expanded to other countries, such as Mexico, Canada, India, and some European countries.

The rules are simple. A cross-serving system is used, like in tennis or ping-pong. In pickleball, game tactics are more important than raw power or force. In pickleball, there is less running, but more thinking is involved. As in tennis, you must win two out of three games to be declared the winner. This year, an international tournament was played in the city of Amsterdam. The bronze medal winners were Brian Hook and Gill Smith, from England. Hook is 82 years old, and Smith is 77. 

We interviewed Harry Long, one of the most avid players in San Miguel, and he shared why he enjoys playing pickleball. «It makes me very happy. It’s a lot of fun cooperating with my teammates, and it is good for my health.» This sport is ideal for all ages, but it is becoming increasingly popular among older adults. Its lesser impact than tennis on the joints makes it a highly recommended activity. Harry and his wife came to live in San Miguel 13 years ago. San Miguel seemed like the perfect place, and the quality of life, the activities, and the friends they have made in the city make them feel very much at home.