The Eleventh Annual El Charco Foot Race

By Paola Velasco

The 11th annual foot race organized by El Charco del Ingenio Botanical Garden will take place next Sunday, July 10, at 10am in honor of the Holy Cross. The race will take place inside Landeta Park and the Botanical Garden with a route designed for everyone. Children from 6 years old in the children’s category to adults over 60 in the Master C category and everyone in between can register for this race. The first three places in each category will receive a medal and the last places will receive the traditional «pan bolillo» as a symbolic prize. 

Prior registration, which costs 50 pesos, is important because there will be no registration on the day of the race. If interested, you should go to El Charco’s offices from 9am to 5pm to register.

The race is part of the festivities of the Santa Cruz that are celebrated annually in San Miguel. This tradition dates back to the time of Constantine and was brought to New Spain with the arrival of the Spanish; however, the Palenque cross indicates that this symbol existed in pre-Hispanic times but with a different meaning, that of the World Tree. Later, it was assimilated by the indigenous peoples into Catholic worship.

This festivity has the purpose of venerating the Cross as a symbol of Catholic Christianity: Cross – God the Father and Cross – Holy Spirit, but also fulfills a propitiatory purpose: Cross – Christ Jesus, the Son giver of life, water and good crops. 

So you know, if you like running in the countryside, this race is a great opportunity to be part of the traditional activities and events in San Miguel de Allende.