Editor’s Comment
During the month of July in San Miguel de Allende, we celebrated the fourteenth anniversary of the declaration of World Heritage City issued by UNESCO, and almost at the same time we received the recognition of being the second best city in the world by Travel + Leisure magazine. In our main article, we collect some opinions from community leaders where they give us their points of view on the benefits and risks that our heritage city faces after receiving these appointments during the last years. Other cities in the world such as Athens and Barcelona are trying to overcome gentrification and the impacts of high tourist loads that increased from hosting the Olympic Games.

Energy Policy in Mexico
When everything seemed to indicate that the meeting between López Obrador and Biden would serve as a kind of clean slate for both governments, the United States files a formal complaint under the T-MEC for Mexico’s energy policy. The United States began the process to raise a dispute settlement panel against Mexico within the framework of the treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), arguing discriminatory policies in favor of Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). Faced with these controversies, López Obrador stated that, «We can have commercial relations, but we define our policies in Mexico and they have to do with our Constitution and with the laws.»

25 Years of the GIFF
This Monday, July 25, the GIFF returned to San Miguel de Allende, at the Centro Cultural el Necromante, Bellas Artes. “Thanks to the Government, the private sector, service providers, and the GIFF team, we have reached these 25 years. Thanks to Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende, Irapuato, León, and all the municipalities that have been part of this history of cinema,” thanked Sara Hoch, director of the GIFF, during the inauguration. “Twenty-five years ago,” she said, “we shouted more cinema, please, and we shouted it with great emotion, with spirit—wanting to make movies, watch movies, share our movies and our stories in difficult times. Now, 25 years later, we say that we finally have a healthy and busy film industry in Guanajuato.”

Harvest Season in Guanajuato
Guanajuato is ready for the 2022 harvest. The Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, Juan José Álvarez Brunel, in the company of Luis Felipe Bravo Mena and Ramón Vélez de Uva y Vino de Guanajuato, presented in Mexico City the 2022 program that includes the participation of seven municipalities, 11 vintages in vineyards, one wine museum and three oenological events, for a total of 15 events. The events started on July 23 and run until October 2 in #GuanajuatoTierraDeVinos.

Emotional Intelligence Training
State Government personnel from the ethics and equality committee of the Guanajuato State Training Institute, following up on its plan of activities for 2022, invited personnel from all areas to a talk entitled «Emotional Wounds and Their Consequences,» given by Dr. Luis Jaime Hernández in San Miguel de Allende.
Managers from the 28 campuses of the State Training Institute attended a talk on emotional intelligence. Engineer Antonio Correa Alcalá, director of IECA, San Miguel campus, explained that the purpose of this lecture is to detect emotional distress or problems in workers and to be able to have the tools to solve them.

Mauricio Trejo Reaffirms His Support to CANIRAC
The municipal president, Mauricio Trejo, was summoned by the leader of the Chamber of the National Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (CANIRAC) San Miguel Delegation, Francisco Aguirre, to talk with the members of the Chamber about the support that the municipal government gives to this sector to continue consolidating San Miguel among the preferences of tourists and visitors from Mexico and the world. Likewise, the restaurateurs asked the mayor to extend the hours of service, however the mayor appointed that there is a big problem with noise from the terraces in the historic center, thus so far there is no such approval regarding closing the food establishments later.