The Mexican Revolution
Even though it began 112 years ago, the Mexican Revolution was a long and painful process for Mexicans. It took decades to consolidate this revolutionary process. The armed struggle didn’t end until 1917 with the promulgation of the Mexican Constitution, but it wasn’t until August 1923, with the signing of the “Bucareli Treaties,” that the U.S. government recognized the Mexican government as legitimate. Next year, 2023, marks the 100 year anniversary. By mandate, the complete minutes of the “Bucareli Treaties” will be made public. It’s said that these agreements conditioned and limited the development of Mexico, and there is much controversy and mystery about them—follow this week’s La Coffee League column for details.

TEDxSanMigueldeAllende with a RE:EMERGENCE of ideas
TEDxSanMigueldeAllende will launch a brilliant roster of speakers and an eclectic mix of topics. This year’s theme is “RE:EMERGENCE.” TedxSanMigueldDeAllende highlights people whose voices herald a more humane and caring world, uniting our ancestral past with our technological future. Some of this year’s speakers will be Tayler Ava Friar, writer and art historian with previous roles at the United Nations and Google; De Kai, who made pioneering contributions in AI machine learning systems for Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft translation systems; and Mercedes Lopez Martinez, director of the Organic Consumers Association). Follow it.

Mission – Guanajuato
San Miguel received representatives from the city of Mission, Texas. The meeting was led by the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Guanajuato, Ramon Alfaro, and the trustee Ruben Plata. Representing the Mayor of Mission was Norie Gonzalez Garza. The same day, Ruben Plata and a delegation of Mission businesspeople delivered a letter of intent to sign a sister city agreement with the San Miguel municipal government. They expressed the will of the business associations to generate a productive dynamic with the businesses of Guanajuato. Now, the mayor has invited the municipal president of San Miguel to visit Mission next January to formalize the sister city agreement.

Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL)
With Sharjah and the Arab culture as guests of honor, the largest fair of its kind in the Spanish language returns without restrictions or capacity limits. They are expecting up to 800,000 visitors with more than 3,000 activities. After a virtual edition in 2020 and another one in-person, but reduced, in 2021, the 2022 FIL will return from November 26 to December 4, with the strength and momentum that have characterized it over its 36 years, reaffirming its role as the most important literary, editorial, and cultural meeting in the Spanish-language world. The literary program of the 36th edition of the FIL includes the participation of more than 600 writers from 45 countries and 18 different languages.

Jazz in San Miguel
Parallel to the Jazz & Blues Festival, “The City of Jazz San Miguel de Allende” will take place during the holiday weekend on the occasion of the Mexican Revolution. The invitation is open for jazz lovers—locals and visitors alike—to come and enjoy the performances of singer, composer, and producer, Magos Herrera, as well as the Big Band Jazz de México. Jazzman Herbie Hancok, considered one of the most important exponents of the genre worldwide, will be in Mexico for the first time. And on Sunday, November 20, the closing of this high-level musical event will take place, with special guests Paté de Fuá and Gabriel Hernández.

Exhibition «Progressive Clamor»
Chilean artist Cristian Velasco presents the art action «NEXO: Bread for the Body and Poetry for the Soul» at the entrance to the Cultural Center El Nigromate on Friday, November 25, at 5pm. This is a performance piece where the artist hands out inscribed breads among passersby; it will be performed as an activation of the project «Clamor Progresista» by Abraham Cruz Villegas. Following the «NEXO” performance, a second activity will take place at 7pm, with the presentation of Cristian Velasco’s “Cuerpo de Obra” (Body of Work), published by Huebers Publishing and dedicated to the career of this outstanding Chilean creator. This activity includes a video screening and a meeting/conversation with Adolfo Caballero, director of YAM Gallery. This project was awarded a grant from the Chilean government’s National Fund for the Arts (FONDART) and will be presented at the ECO Museum in December 2022 and at ZonaMaco in February 2023.