World Art Day
UNESCO established World Art Day on April 15, 2012. The day celebrates the importance of art and creative thinking to help resolve problems. The chosen date is the birthday of one of the greatest artists of all time, Leonardo Da Vinci. He was a painter, sculptor, designer, architect, poet, and biologist, and is the epitome of the renaissance man.
Source: UN

The Italian Chambers of Commerce in North America
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, in collaboration with other Italian Chambers of Commerce in North America (New York, Miami, Chicago, Houston, Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto) and with the support of the Italian Embassy in Mexico, held a symposium on Commercial Integration and the Nearshoring Phenomenon in Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende. The automobile industry and the agro-industrial sector were particular foci. The meetings began on March 31 in Mexico City, and concluded on April 3 in San Miguel de Allende. Two seminars highlighted investment and production opportunities in Mexico.

The International Mariachi Festival Returns to Guanajuato State
On April 27 and 28, the 25th International Mariachi Festival will take place in the Magical Town of Mineral de Pozos, located near San Luis de la Paz. Secretary of Tourism for the State of Guanajuato, Juan José Álvarez Brunel, announced this during the Tianguis Turístico in Mexico City. Evaristo Covarrubias Domínguez, organizer of the International Mariachi Festival, shared that, «In recent years the event attracted 4,000-6,000 people, with an economic benefit of P2.5-4 million.» The City Council of the municipality of Tecalitlán, Jalisco, is the special guest state this year.
Source: “Business Leader Magazine”

Ferment Festival in April
Mexican and international natural wine producers will hold the first Fermente Fest on April 14 and 15 in the Distrito SOMA in San Miguel de Allende. The festival is the first of its kind in SMA and the State of Guanajuato. It is a paid event, with the participation of producers from all over Mexico as well as other countries. Producers of kombuchas, craft beers, mead, preserves, and natural products without chemicals or plastics will be represented. Traditional gastronomic and vegan options will be available.

Call for Young Creators 2023
The Federal Government’s Ministry of Culture, along with Support for Creation and Cultural Projects (SACPC), invites artists to participate in Young Creators and Traditional Mexican Musicians 2023. The objective is to recognize with financial support aspiring young artists between 18 and 34 years old. The musicians should have sufficient skills to develop a creative project. More information is available here: JC:; MTM:

Solutions to Our Water Crisis
The water lily plague in the Ignacio Allende Dam, water contamination due to fluoride and arsenic in some San Miguel communities, and excessive water usage are the biggest water-related problems here in San Miguel de Allende. On April 4, a discussion was held at Teatro Santa Ana to present some solutions to protect our watershed and restore water and food security in SMA. Presenters were Tikkun Eco Center, Caminos de Agua, and Salvemos el Río Laja, members of the Agua Viva Network.