By Carmen Rioja

In this edition we present you the results of our methodical research on street tacos in San Miguel and how to recognize the best ones.

Street tacos are also called tacos “parados”, because they are almost always eaten standing up.

The taco is the king of seasoning and therefore of the heart. This is because the taco is like a best friend who will never let you down, since there are always good tacos waiting for you in a street stand or small local, usually open until late at night. However, the best taco is not easy to find. For the Mexican, the street taco must meet certain characteristics and can never be counterfeited. For example, casserole beef tacos do not count for this category. They belong to another department in the soul. When we say “let’s go for taquitos”, they have to be the traditional ones and the rules are:

a) The meat is cooked in full view of the customer in boiling oil, grill or trompo.

b) The taquero prepares each taco freshly cooked, and personalizes it according to the client’s order, for example, with a single tortilla or with two tortillas “with a copy”, so that it does not fall apart.

c) If there are people waiting, they are good.

We couldn’t help to use our archeological methodology background and select the Northeast quadrant of the town and draw a grid for the sample. We proceeded street by street from the main plaza heading north to the Biblioteca Pública AC. tasting two tacos of each at each stand.

Variables: Quality and flavor of steak and sausage; quality and flavor of corn tortilla; flavor and variety of sauces; seasoning of the taco in the first bite, i.e., the latter is what some would call umami.

The best tacos of this round

1.         The ones at Templo de la Tercera Orden

2.         Mesones corner with Pepe Llanos

3.         Insurgentes next to Biblioteca Pública