By Paola Velasco

Art San Miguel is presenting a contemporary art fair January 12-22 at Distrito Soma.  The guest country will be Germany, and all the art displayed will be by German artists. Many of these pieces of art were recently displayed at the Museo Nacional de la Estampa in Mexico City. 

The selection of works is from a German art exhibition entitled “Propaganda” by German artists of the last century. There will be vintage photomontages of John Heartfield, which he created as a statement against war. You will also be able to see Kriegszeit’s original work on artists called to war, Otto Dix’s lithographic work, and Der Krieg on reality in wartime. Also included in the exhibition will be the work of George Grosz, with original Hintergrund lithographs against militarism.

As a complement to this exhibition, there will be a master lecture called “Propaganda: Avant-garde Circles of German Influence and German Expressionism.” The lecture will be given by Dr. Ana Quiroz, PhD in Arts and Design, from the Autonomous University of Mexico. She is also a member of the Institute’s Museum Advisory Council of Culture. The lecture is on Friday, January 13, 1pm, at Distrito Soma, Estación del Ferrocarril, Lupita 2.