How would you describe yourself in three words?

Passionate, creative, and enterprising

What song best sums up your life?

Los Caminos de la Vida

What kind of publication would you be on the cover of?

Gastronomy, wine, travel, and entrepreneurship

What do you do for fun?

Travel, eat, and drink

What inspires you?

Nature with all its goodness, my wife every day, and my appetite

What do you value most in a person?

Having dreams and goals, no matter how big or small they are. But they are the engine.

What is your ideal vacation plan?

A nice, pleasant, and peaceful place, with a good kitchen and access to ingredients from the region where I am

What do you appreciate most in life?

Having the opportunity every day to start, continue, learn, and improve in everything I do

What is your favorite dessert? From where?

The French toast with tonka bean ice cream from Casa Ayala in Dos Buhos

Why live in San Miguel?

Because it is a beautiful city with a village soul, and it is full of magic

Tequila or mezcal? Where? 

Tequila in Bekeb or el Manantial, bars in San Miguel 

Taco, torta, tamale? Where? 

Taco, on calle Insurgentes, if I have a lucky day. Ha ha. 

What public person would you not let in your house?

No one. I first meet them, and then I open the doors of my house.

If you were able to change anything in the world, what would it be?

Consciousness; that we all open our consciences

How do you help make San Miguel de Allende a better place to live?

Generating sources of employment and adding to our gastronomic and wine tourism offerings; having our work philosophy embrace the importance of local, organic, and fair trade producers

What does being a “responsible expat/citizen” of San Miguel mean to you?

Being respectful of the locals, always offering positivity, and taking care of the community of San Miguel so we may experience it for a long time

What would you recommend to someone considering moving to San Miguel?

Analyzing and investigating very well what you are looking for and seeing that it manages to cover your needs; it is not a city for everyone

What do you think makes San Miguel such a unique and special city?

My previous point—ha-ha—it is a city with many things to discover and explore. Art, culture, traditions, architecture, wine, gastronomy, and people from all over the world

What most concerns you about San Miguel’s future?

That the population growth is greater than that of the city and/or that it exceeds its capacity

What most excites you about San Miguel’s future?

That we will continue to introduce better wines, better restaurants, and more culture with responsible growth