By Paola Velasco

San Miguel de Allende has many treasures—one of them is the people who live here. This section will let us get to know those people who, for one reason or another, decided to live in San Miguel.

Jennifer Posner is an active board member of the San Miguel de Allende Public Library. She studied marketing and has lived in San Miguel for 15 years. 

How would you describe yourself in three words?  

Dedicated, generous, serious

What song best sums up your life? 

“Such a Night”—Dr. John

What kind of publication would you be on the cover of? 

Wine Enthusiast

What do you do for fun? 

Play tennis

What inspires you? 


What do you value most in a person? 


What is your ideal vacation plan? 

A beach anywhere with crystal clear water

What do you appreciate most in life? 

Love and family

What is your favorite dessert? From where? 

Key lime pie—El Petit Four

What is your favorite bad word? 


Why live in San Miguel de Allende? 

I’ve been here 15 years!  I love the people, climate, and way of life

Tequila or mezcal? Where? 

Tequila, anywhere

Taco, torta, tamale? Where? 

Tacos at home

What public person would you not let in your house? 

Donald Trump

If you were able to change anything in the world, what would it be? 

That people will find a way to preserve the planet and environment so we will leave future generations with abundant beauty that we know today and plenty of natural resources.

How do you help make San Miguel a better place to live? 

By working at the Biblioteca Publica. I am helping to make various programs available for many people in our community.

What does being a “responsible expat/citizen” of San Miguel mean to you? 

Learn the language, appreciate the culture and participate in as much as you can.

What would you recommend to someone considering moving to San Miguel? 

Come with an open mind, don’t have expectations, explore San Miguel, and rent before buying so you can figure out which area resonates with you.

What do you think makes San Miguel such a unique/special city? 

I love meeting people that are drawn to come here, the blend of people from inside Mexico and all over the world.  

What most concerns you about San Miguel’s future? 

Water! The availability of this resource needs to be preserved and available for all in the future.

What most excites you about San Miguel’s future? 

Unlimited possibilities for so many different demographics. San Miguel offers possibilities for everyone to find their unique space to grow and thrive.